As the co-founder and CEO of Bala, Natalie Holloway transformed the world of wearable weights with her stylish silicone-and-steel Instagram-worthy bracelets. But the Texas native is the first to admit that when it comes to her own workouts, she’s just like the rest of us. “Fitness has always been a part of my life, but it's definitely hard to find the motivation,” says Holloway, a former runner and certified yoga instructor who wanted to find a way to make working out less daunting, and easier to fit in throughout the day. The idea to put a fashionable spin on ankle and wrist weights came to Natalie and her husband, Max Kislevitz, while they were traveling together and in search of new ways to challenge themselves during their workouts; in 2018, Bala was born. “What we realized when we launched it is that all of the fitness industry products, besides tech ones like Peloton, are really underdesigned,” she says.
The brand was featured on “Shark Tank” in February 2020, right before the world went into lockdown; within a few short weeks, the colorful weights became the most coveted accessory of the pandemic. “It really made us grow up overnight,” says Natalie.
Fast forward to the present, when the L.A.-based couple has not only expanded their brand with new products such as the Bala Beam and digital fitness platform Balacize, but their family, too; the pair has an 18-month old son and another baby on the way. In between raising their child and running a fitness empire, Holloway values the importance of approachable workouts more than ever before and has gained a deeper perspective of beauty, both inside and out.
How has your definition of beauty changed with motherhood?
I've been a lot easier on myself because I recognize that I've been way more in tune with my body in general, and just more grateful that we're able to create life. It's such a powerful thing. Ultimately I've been a lot softer on myself and [focusing more on] wellness and taking care of myself within, versus the outward stuff.
When do you feel the most beautiful version of yourself?
After a really great sleep where you’ve slept 9, 10, 11 hours and did your full routine the night before. You wake up and you're just glowing! That feels good. But when I felt the most beautiful and powerful was after giving birth, where you're just like, that was an actual miracle.
What’s your earliest memory of beauty?
With my sisters and my grandmother in Tennessee, where my grandparents were living. We would spend the summers there. It was a very magical place. She was a very magical woman. She had this sewing room and she would make anything. And we were little, tiny girls, and she would have costume trunks of gowns that she would either make or curate for us. We'd try them on and feel beautiful and do a fashion show for our parents.
You’ve been a vegetarian for six years. What sparked your journey?
Animals, first and foremost. I'm a huge animal lover, but also I think there's just so much that is hidden in the meat industry in general. Unless you truly know where the meat came from and you know the farmer, or you are the farmer, it's just really hard to prove how the animals were treated or raised. So really, for me, the safest way is to not eat the meat
Do you have a signature makeup look?
It's the Tinted Serum, the Eye Revival Brightening Eye Cream, the Solar Radiance Cream Highlighter, then a lipstick — I like pink, for a pop of color — and a curled lash.
Best beauty advice you’ve ever received?
Get your beauty sleep, wear sunscreen and be easy on yourself.
Is there a beauty trend you wish you hadn’t participated in?
Definitely tanning and any sort of sun exposure — trying to be tan like Britney Spears back in like middle school and high school. And a belly button ring.
What’s your current fitness regimen?
Now that I'm pregnant again and have a kid, it's very much about getting it in where I can, which is really in line with Bala, because a lot of times the only exercise I have time for during the week is a walk with my Bangles in the Hills. We also launched a streaming platform, Balacize. I really like it because it's eight-minute workouts. So it's really easy for me because [my son] can be down for a nap, or I'm in between calls and I can at least get an eight-minute workout with my Bangles on, or with my Power Ring. I think it's definitely a more approachable scenario.
What are the self-care routines you swear by?
I have a few. Limited phone time on the weekend is huge, because I'm so plugged in during the week running the business and it's really hard to be without my phone for a day. Baths. They’re like my meditation. I put on a face mask, light a candle, use a good bath scrub and take 10 minutes to myself every day. Walks in my neighborhood with my husband, dogs and baby, then morning coffee with the family before the busy day starts. And gratitude lists are always helpful.
Bala co-founder Natalie Holloway believes fitness should be fun and approachable. Wearing the brand’s signature ankle and wrist weights for yoga or walking her dog are just some of the ways Holloway gets her workouts in during the day, and a go-to playlist helps sustain the good vibes along the way.
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