While it’s our belief that any day is a good day to celebrate the women in our lives, International Women’s Day provides the perfect opportunity to sing the praises of all the phenomenal women in our community with added gusto. The official holiday, celebrated annually on March 8, is all about amplifying female voices to inspire, advocate and encourage the advancement of women everywhere.
This year, Rose Inc and its parent company Amyris have adopted the theme #BreakTheBias, with the aim of demonstrating how we can all break biases in our communities, workplaces, schools and beyond. “It’s important that our team represents diverse backgrounds and life experiences. We work to empower the next generation, really bringing our junior team members into the fold,” explains Rose Inc CEO and President Caroline Hadfield. “At the same time, we see the value in parents who’ve stepped away from the workplace to raise children and returned. Their perspectives and experiences are especially valuable in fast-paced environments.”
To further celebrate, 10% of sales from RoseInc.com on March 8 will be donated to Scientific Adventures For Girls (an Oakland-based nonprofit organization that aims to increase the number of women in STEM fields) and Women's Earth and Climate Action Network (an org which engages women worldwide in policy advocacy, on-the-ground projects, trainings, and movement building for global climate justice).
From creatives and founders to doctors and veteran CEOs, diverse backgrounds and perspectives are plentiful across the Rose Inc community. Read on for valuable advice from our inspiring community of women on life, work and motherhood, along with their hopes and dreams for the future.
When it comes to the most influential figures in her life, Willabelle Ong names her mother, who instilled in her the core value of leading with respect, which she says shaped her both personally and professionally. “Make the most out of every opportunity that comes your way with grace and humility. If one is not offered, create your own,” she shares. “My dream for women in the future is that they recognize their own voices and power, and continue to break barriers and create their own limitless journeys.”
Read Willabelle Ong’s Rose Inc profile here.
“I'm really excited to see more women in leadership positions because we lead differently. I dare say better,” Dr. Elyse Love says. The New York-based dermatologist recalls how her first bosses out of medical training, Dr. Sapna Palep and Dr. Lian Mack, inspired her deeply in how they modeled openness, mentorship, motherhood and professionalism all while being fierce leaders. “Who you work for matters,” Dr. Love says. “Whenever possible, seek out environments that you feel comfortable in because you will do your best work in those environments.”
Read Dr. Elyse Love’s skincare tips here.
Willabelle Ong
“A successful woman I know and look up to once told me to stop apologizing for things that aren’t my fault and learn to take a compliment,” says Kristin Giorgi. “I definitely go through seasons where I question my worth, but it's helpful to remember that when someone praises you for something, they mean it! You’re a badass—don't forget it.” She also notes the importance of strengthening your confidence in your ability to create the outcomes you seek and always trusting your gut.
Read Kristen Giorgi’s Rose Inc profile here.
Navigating a career during motherhood can be challenging, but this manifesting expert and bestselling author believes women are equipped to handle it all. “We aren’t just our looks, or how good a mother we are, or how successful we are. We are a wonderful assortment of qualities and if we see ourselves as a whole package rather than zoning in on our insecurities, we can see ourselves in a totally different light,” Roxie Nafousi says. “Back yourself. Be your biggest cheerleader. Take the risk. Ask for help. Don’t take no for an answer. There is always another way!”
Read Roxie Nafousi’s Rose Inc profile here.
Stephanie Liu Hjelmeseth’s best career advice? Take the leap. “In the grand scheme of life, you don’t have much to lose when you go for it, but you have everything in the world to gain when you do,” the creative shares. “My biggest dream for the future is for all women and all little girls to see an abundance of inspiration and success without the anticipation of struggle and barriers. I hope that one day soon, women can operate effortlessly in a society that’s evolved to support our equality, our rights, our bodies and our security.”
Read Stephanie Liu Hjelmeseth's Rose Inc profile here.
Stephanie Liu Hjelmeseth
“We all play a part in change,” says Rose Inc CEO and President Caroline Hadfield. “It may be cliché, but it’s true: Treat others how you want to be treated. Challenge your own judgments and assumptions, give people grace (and yourself too!), and do the right thing. I believe that how you behave always comes back to you.”
For Dr. Banafsheh Bayati, the key to achieving career success and also maintaining a fulfilling home life is balance. “I️ would have to say that my mother inspired me the most. She left her country in her late 30s to start a new life for her children and worked very hard, but always maintained a good balance,” she shares. “When I️ started my private practice, a female mentor told me to realize that life will go by very fast, and it’s really important to take the time to be present with your children when they are young. Essentially, she told me that life is long, and you can not replace time with your children once they are grown up.” So, how do we do it? “Take the time to be healthy. Exercise, sleep and practice self-care, even when there is little time for any of it. There is no success without a healthy mind and body.”
Read Dr. Banafsheh Bayati’s advice on skincare during pregnancy here.
“Just do the thing. It doesn't matter how big or small, how planned or perfect — action is the cure. Start by taking one small step at a time,” Dianna Cohen says. Seeking out mentors, particularly women who can offer valuable insight into whatever it is you’re striving for, is another tip she offers. “Ara Katz, the Co-Founder of Seed [Health], is my mentor and dear friend. The way she sees and approaches the world inspires me every day. Whenever I think about building something I always take time to imagine how Ara would create it.”
Read Dianna Cohen’s Rose Inc profile here.
10% of sales from RoseInc.com on March 8 will be donated to Scientific Adventures For Girls and Women's Earth and Climate Action Network.
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